Redefining Limitations in Our Mindset

How a Tragic Event Led to Overcoming Barriers with a Disability


Hello, My name is Daniel and I am an author and disability advocate.

Due to a tragic car accident at the age of 24, I was diagnosed with nerve damage in my neck and shoulder. I am currently based in Toronto and write books to connect with readers in hopes that my experience is able to provide guidance.

I love hearing other’s stories and believe by assisting others we will be able to build a positive environment and a better place for all. I believe in equality and inclusion for no matter who you are.


Below is a list of equipment that I personally use and will provide a link or discount if I have one. I will try to update the list if there is more equipment that I discover and would recommend. I would recommend doing your own research before purchasing any of the items below.


Redefining Limitations in Our Mindset is now available at the following: